
Our behavioral neurologists diagnose and treat patients with complex neurocognitive disorders. 我们是美国为数不多的中心之一.S. 致力于治疗早发性阿尔茨海默病.



Specialists within the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 行为神经学 Program diagnose and treat rare disorders that affect brain function (neurocognitive disorders). We provide world-class care and conduct research for these disorders in locations close to home.


  • 协作,以患者为中心的方法: 当你被推荐给我们时, we work closely with your referring provider to ensure you receive appropriate follow-up care. Our experts offer insights and treatment recommendations to help guide referring providers. We can also provide follow-up on-site care, based on your preferences and needs.
  • 研究重点: 除了照顾病人, our providers continually research the causes and potential treatments for these rare conditions. Our participation in clinical trials allows eligible patients access to new and promising treatments.
  • 访问多种资源: 作为Mary S. 伊斯顿阿尔茨海默病研究和护理中心, our behavioral neurologists work with an extensive network of specialists. Patients in our program benefit from access to psychiatrists, 神经心理学家, 神经放射, 语言病理学家和遗传学家.
  • Subspecialization: 我们是美国仅有的几个中心之一.S. dedicated to studying and treating early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Our specialists have diverse experience in all types of cognitive disorders, 包括那些罕见的和难以诊断的.


The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Neurobehavior Clinic is part of the behavioral neurology program. Specialists at this outpatient clinic evaluate and treat patients with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal degeneration and other progressive brain disorders.

在评估过程中, patients complete two clinic visits with diagnostic testing between appointments. 确诊后, our specialists share information with the referring physician to ensure appropriate follow-up treatment with the provider or through our clinic. Our specialists also provide counseling and educational resources to patients, 家庭和照顾者.


Our specialists treat a range of rare neurocognitive disorders, including:


EOAD is a rare form of Alzheimer’s disease that affects people younger than 65. Alzheimer’s is a progressive condition that causes a decline in memory, 解决问题和其他认知能力. 而阿尔茨海默病通常影响老年人, EOAD主要影响年轻人, 通常是四五十岁.

People with EOAD often have symptoms that differ from traditional Alzheimer’s disease, including:

  • 语言能力下降
  • 丧失空间或视觉能力
  • 数学能力下降


This form of dementia occurs because certain nerve cells in the brain start to die. 这些神经细胞位于额叶和颞叶, 控制运动, 语言和理解力.


  • 说话或理解困难
  • 对日常活动失去兴趣
  • 人格改变
  • 社交上不恰当或尴尬的行为
  • 不寻常的强迫行为或饮食行为


Additional progressive brain conditions we treat include:

  • 原发性进行性失语(PPA): This is a type of FTD that causes difficulty communicating. People with PPA may struggle to speak or understand language.
  • Corticobasal变性: This condition occurs when multiple brain cells become damaged or die. It affects the brain’s outer layer (cortex) and a deep part of the brain called the basal ganglia. Problems with speech, balance, memory or swallowing gradually worsen.
  • 后皮层萎缩: This condition is caused by progressive deterioration of the posterior cortex, 大脑的外层在头部的后面. 它通常影响50到65岁之间的人. Symptoms may include visual problems, hallucinations or difficulty with math or spelling.
  • 进行性核上性麻痹: This rare brain condition occurs when brain cells die in the parts of the brain that control movement and coordination. It causes problems with balance, movement, hand-eye coordination and swallowing.


Our specialists use a variety of advanced tools to diagnose and treat neurocognitive disorders. 我们可以用:


The first step to effective treatment is an accurate diagnosis. Testing to diagnose a neurocognitive disorder may include:

  • 血液测试 to rule out other conditions that could cause similar symptoms
  • 脑功能成像, such as fMRI or positron emission tomography (PET) scan, 寻找大脑大小的变化, 结构或功能
  • Neurogenetic评估 to evaluate whether a patient has certain genes that could lead to neurological conditions
  • 神经心理评估 了解大脑的运作情况


There is no cure for the rare neurocognitive conditions we treat. But we can offer treatments to ease symptoms and improve quality of life. Depending on the condition and symptom severity, patients may benefit from:

  • 药物: Some medicines may help patients concentrate or function better. Providers also may prescribe medications for the secondary symptoms of neurocognitive disorders. 例如, a patient may take antidepressants to reduce anxiety or prescription sleep aids to ease insomnia.
  • 生活方式的改变: A healthy lifestyle may help people live a better quality of life for longer. Eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly and lowering stress can all be effective.


Our behavioral neurologists lead one of the few centers in the nation that focuses on early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. We research, diagnose and treat a full range of rare and atypical neurocognitive disorders.


记忆和认知障碍神经学, 神经学
  • Daniel Okobi,医学博士,研究员
  • Imaad Nasir,医学博士,研究员


呼叫 310-794-1195 to request an appointment with a behavioral neurologist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Our behavioral neurologists specialize in rare and atypical neurocognitive disorders. 如欲了解更多有关我们的服务,请致电 310-794-1195.